Town Criers Prayer

Town Criers Prayer

Their bells are silent now.Their voices unheard.Their lives of service will be recalledand its message understood.God be with them. Their bells are silent now.Their eyes no longer see,For they are with their makerTheir souls are set free.But although they have left us...
Hire a Town Crier

Hire a Town Crier

Town criers as we know them today have been making public announcements and proclamations since the 18th century. They make a very distinctive impression on their audience even before they begin talking. Corporations, shops, restaurants, public houses, churches and...
Recruit a Town Crier

Recruit a Town Crier

In order to recruit a town crier for the first time or to replace one who has died or retired, you will need a Job Description, and Application Form and a Trial Cry. Once you have these documents in place, you will need to advertise the position. Bear in mind that...
History of the Guild

History of the Guild

The Ancient & Honourable Guild of Town Criers (AHGTC) was founded at Hastings in 1978 when criers met after the British Championships and elected a Committee. One aim was to regularise the organisation of competitions and to define rules for town...