The South of England Town Criers Championship will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, May 6th 2024, in Wimborne Minster.
Hello my friends for the first time since 2019 I am arranging to host the above competition back in beautiful Wimborne Minster, Dorset.
The programme will be similar to previous years, with a 10am start for the draw and with two rounds to be held on the Town Square. There will be first, second and third crier as well as best dressed crier, escort and couple.
As there have been a number of changes in local government I am unable to confirm the detailed arrangements for the day as funding discussion continues, but I do hope to be able to offer free parking, a two course lunch and refreshments through the day. At this stage I would really welcome your expressions of interest as soon as you are able and then once I have the arrangements finalised I will write to all who have responded with the details for the day.
I would appreciate an email response please to
or a postcard to: Chris Brown, 21 The Broads, Wimborne Minster, Dorset BH21 4DR
I do NOT TRUST my landline answerphone but the mobile one seems to work fine and that is 07971236561.
I look forward to hearing from you. Happy Christmas and a beautiful New Year.
Chris Brown, Crier for Wimborne Minster

All photos by Tom Scrase, used with his permission.