What a wonderful day had by all on Saturday 8th July at my annual Wareham Town Criers’ competition and South of England Championship, held down on Wareham Quay, where 13 Town Criers from all over the UK and even one from Victor Harbor, South Australia 🇦🇺 took part.
1st Winner: Alistair Chisholm of Dorchester
2nd: Peter White of Seaford
3rd: Andrew Fleming of Swanage
Best dressed crier: Peter White of Seaford
Best dressed Escort: John of Kingsteinton
Best dressed couple: Mike and Angie Bishop of Frome
Best Content cry: Kevin Ward of Bromsgrove

We also had the pleasure of the company of the Warwick Court Leet for the day and the Wareham Court Leet joined us for a wonderful cream tea in the afternoon, which led onto the evening with a great night held in the Kings Arms where both Courts Leet undertook their duties.
Thank you to all that took part and also all those involved and helped out behind the scenes at this event – Our 15th year (not counting Covid! But we still held a Zoom one!)
Thanks to Wareham Town Council staff especially to Stuart for all his help on the day, and to the Wareham Carnival team who dealt with the gazebos. To the Conservative Club for letting us have our lovely lunch there, and to Kaffs Coffee Pot for the delicious scones, cream and jam!
Thanks to Sue Wheatley for her amazing photography, and to the 3 judges (Peter Scriven, Jim McGivern and Pam Bowyer-Davies)
Thanks to my lovely husband Chris for scoring, Jan and co for helping serve up the cream teas and the task of washing up!! and my daughter Michelle for her tea making and refreshment skills.
A successful day and here’s to 2024 – see you all in glorious Wareham same time next year!
Jacquie Hall